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Rigging Only

All job prices are commercial prices. Used for advertising, live broadcasting, exposure to income, etc.

The price will change according to the model details. Customers need to prepare Photoshop files.

This is a basic model!

If there are more details Would like to charge a little extra price> <


+$15 animal ears / headphones

(Separate rear / outer ear hair)

• Fine hair parts (including models) +$15-25 onwards

Acessory +$10/part

Glasses (without glasses) +$15

Glasses (with glasses legs) +$18

Tier 1

Basic movement

Start from 90 USD

Eye tracking

6 Mouth Defrom (no teeth seen)

Head Roll (neck tilt)

Head Yaw (facing left-right)

Basic Physic (Axis X 1 Param)

Tier 2

Half move

Prices start at $200 USD

Eye tracking

6 Mouth Defrom (saw teeth)

Head Roll (neck tilt)

Head Yaw (facing left-right)

Head Pitch (bow-head)

Upper Body Turns

High Physic (Axis X 2 Param)

Tier 3

Full body movement

Prices start at $500 USD

Eye tracking

6 Mouth Defrom (saw teeth)

Head Roll (neck tilt)

Head Yaw (facing left-right)

Head Pitch (bow-head)

High Physic (Axis X 2 Param)

Upper Body Turns (Turns)

Upper Body Tilts (Tilt)

Fullbody Side-Step

  Bend the knee

Arms Movement

Tier 4

Full body movement

Prices start at $600 USD

Eye tracking

6 Mouth Defrom (saw teeth)

Head Roll (neck tilt)

Head Yaw (facing left-right)

Head Pitch (bow-head)

High Physic (Axis X 2 Param)

Upper Body Turns (Turns)

Upper Body Tilts (Tilt)

Fullbody Side-Step

  Bend the knee

Arms Movement

 Body Leaning forward/Backward

Above are the basic shifts for each tier if you want to add some.

You can check out the add-ons below!

Optional option

• Add a color Sticker + 100 / piece.

eyebrows, eyes, mouth, changed the mood +$15 / page.

• Turn off +$5 devices / piece

• Add + $15-$67 gestures / gestures

True tongue stick +$20 (Vtube studio only)

Real cheeks +$10 (Vtube studio only)

Eyes smile when mouth smiles +$7

Add Axis Y Physic (Have physic every movement)  start from $30-$60

Physic only X axis

Physic X Y axis

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